Russian Constructivism Website

For this Web II project, we went through both designing and coding a fully responsive website about a graphic design movement we were inspired by. We actually started by making a poster for an event in the style of our design movement and then basing the website around that poster. I incorporated several Russian Constructivism design elements and experimented with textures. One of the biggest challenges was trying to think responsively and rearranging each page to fit specific screen sizes for a desktop, tablet, and phone. For our interior pages, we researched information about our design movement and included history about the typeface we chose. I made the comps in Illustrator, then coded in Dreamweaver.

Link to Final Website:
(resize web window to see responsive changes for each page or view from mobile devices)

Final Poster:

 Poster Comp:
As you can see, my first poster comp came out too dark and heavy. Also, I wanted to get away from the star texture in the lines because it seemed like the focus was more on the galaxy part than showcasing Russian Constructivism. With that in mind, I also played more with the grid and increased the tilt so it came across sharper.

Initial Website Comps:
Home Comp - Desktop:

Home Comp - Tablet:

Home Comp - Phone:

Interior Comp - Desktop:

Interior Comp - Tablet:

Interior Comp - Phone:
Changes to these comps were made when I began coding keeping both design and functionality in mind.


Flickr Photostream